Committed to Your Comfort and Safety

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process and What to Expect

Wisdom Teeth Process in San Antonio, TX

Dedicated Appointments
We ask that you arrive no earliar than 15 minutes before your scheduled time, late arrivals may need to be rescheduled.

What Sets our Oral Surgery Office Apart From the Rest?

Dedicated Appointments: We do not double book the schedule.

Dedicated Focus: We limit our schedule so we can remain 100% focused on YOU.

Respect the Golden Rule: We treat everyone the way we want to be treated

Concierge Care: We will be in touch with you every step of the way

One Centralized Location: Solely for the purpose of 210 Wisdom Teeth patients.

We are intentionally different for your benefit.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process, San Antonio Texas

What type of Anesthesia is used?

It all depends on your comfort. Some patients are nervous about the procedure, for that, we offer IV Sedation. We also have Oral Sedation and Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) options. You deserve safety, 100% undivided attention, and a comfortable experience.

We are highly rated because of our 100% committment to safety & comfort, we treat people right.

Worried about dry socket after wisdom teeth extraction?

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy has been shown to speed up recovery, reduce recovery pain and swelling, and significantly reduce chances of developing dry socket. PRF therapy is completely natural and comes from the beneficial growth factors within your own blood. A small sample of your own blood will be taken, concentrated, and placed back into the wisdom teeth extraction areas. This instantly helps fight off infection while reducing pain and promoting healing. Ask about PRF therapy!

What type of pain medication will I get?

We electronically send in prescription pain medications the moment you arrive so its ready by the time you get to the pharmacy. During recovery, pain is controlled by both anti-inflammatory prescription strength medication AND controlled substance prescription strength narcotics for the initial 2-3 days. As you heal, you will rely more on the anti-inflammatory medications and less on the narcotic medication. Our minimally invasive techniques and conservative approach to wisdom tooth removal allows for a better & quicker recovery.

Xray & Oral Examination

Dr Malya will provide you with a good understanding of the current health of your wisdom teeth and may be able to predict if there will be any future problems. Studies show that the best outcomes for patients are achieved by early evaluation and treatment when necessary. Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed, we will advise you on the risks vs benefits.

Why should I remove my Wisdom Teeth?

If you notice bad breath, stuck food, red/bleeding gums, and/or cheek irritation it could be a sign of wisdom teeth problems. Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Patients usually have a better experience and more comfortable recovery between 16-25 years of age when the wisdom teeth roots are not completely formed. After age 25 there are increased risks of bone loss during healing and time out of work which leads to more costs in the long run. Preventing problems on the wisdom tooth itself or adjacent teeth before they happen is always best.

Sedation Instructions

  • Do NOT Eat or Drink anything for at least 6 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Take your regular medications with a sip of water at your normally scheduled time.
  • Stay well hydrated the day before with water. Avoid coffee, caffeine, alcohol.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does NOT restrict access to your upper arm.
  • Wear flat shoes for safety and balance
  • Remove nail polish and fake nails, as this prevents our sedation monitor from working.
  • Beards should be trimmed as neatly as possible.
  • Bring a responsible Adult (>18years of age) who will drive you and monitor you for the next 24 hours. Driver must be present in office.

Setting Expectations Right & How to Prepare


  • Twilight Sleep or IV Sedation is moderate conscious sedation, not General Anesthesia
  • We only use safe, reversible time-proven medications for sedation
  • We have multiple sedation options to help you feel comfortable.
  • Please pick up jello, mashed potatoes, clear broth soups, gatorade a few days before.
  • Have fresh linens/towels at home to place on your pillow or use while recovering.
  • Ice packs (ice in a ziplock bag) will help you for the first 24 hours.
  • Take plenty of rest for the first 1-2 days after your procedure.
  • Plan on having a trusted friend or relative with you for the initial day after surgery.

Post Operative Instructions

In most cases, the recovery period is brief, lasting only a few days. Take pain medication and antibiotics as prescribed. The following tips will help speed your recovery:

    • Do NOT eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours prior
    • Take your regularly scheduled medications with a sip of water unless advised differently.
    • Stay well hydrated the day before (avoid alcohol, caffeine, and coffee)
    • Wear loose comfortable clothing and flat shoes.
    • If having sedation, you must arrive with a responsible adult (>18years of age) to drive.
    • Do not use a straw or spit for the first few days. Sucking on a straw or spitting can loosen the blood clot and delay healing- causing a painful dry socket.
    • Do not smoke or vape for at least 48 hours after your surgery. Smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring toxins/chemical contaminants to the surgery area.
    • While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite your lip, cheek, tongue.
    • Rest elevated, do not lie flat. Lying flat will cause more bleeding/swelling.
    • Put an old towel on your pillow, so you do not drool on or stain your covers
    • Use ice packs for 10 minutes on/10 minutes off for the first 24 hours.
  • Swelling is a normal part of the healing process where the body brings in good factors to help heal the site and defend against infection. Controlled swelling is expected for the 1st 48 hours and then reduce after.

    • Use an ice pack for 10 minutes on/10 minutes off for the first 24 hours, which will help with pain and swelling.
    • Take rest after surgery, watch tv, try not to run around as this may increase bleeding/pain.
    • Eating is important! Eat soft foods such as Jello/Pudding/Clear Soups for the first 1-2 days. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as healing progresses.
    • Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.
    • Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.
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